Cleaning Sponges

Product categories

3M Scotch-Brite 82

Professional griddle scrubber for cooking surfaces 101mm x 127mm

3M Scotchbrick 9537CC

Professional griddle scrubber for cooking surfaces with FDA approval 152mm x 102mm x 76mm

3M Doodlebug Scrub Pads

Cleaning scrubing pads 117mm x 254mm in 4 different hardness levels

3M Scotch-Brite 450

Blue heavy duty scouring pad 450 98mm x 158mm

3M Scotch-Brite 350

White extra thick delicate surface cleaning pad 98mm x 158mm

3M Scotch-Brite 7904

Roll with 35 grey abrasive pads CF-SR P500 150mm x 115mm

3M Twist-Lok 961

Grey pad holder for Scotch-Brite pads 63mm x 89mm x 121mm

3M Scotch-Brite 7903

Roll with 35 purple abrasive sponges CF-RL P360 150mm x 115mm

3M Scotch-Brite 7496

Abrasive sponge GP-SH A FIN 158mm x 224mm

3M Scotch-Brite 7448 PRO

Finishing abrasive sponge SUFN 158mm x 224mm

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