Considered as new-generation antifouling, Nautix A88 Formula+ is mixed matrix product with exclusive CLR (controlled leaching rate) technology, for demanding boat owners, sailing in heavy fouling areas (especially Tropical areas). Its formula and gives high level of efficiency against the largest scope of fouling and very smooth finishing. A88 Formula+ ensures performance for 1 season in the harshest fouling conditions and even protects over prolonged stationary periods. This antifouling avoids accumulation of coatings on the hull each season, and so makes easier maintenance. IMPORTANT: This antifouling cannot be applied over aluminium hull. Do not overcoat with hard matrix antifouling. If there is any doubt on compatibility between the new antifouling paint and the existing one, apply a coat of Nautix P1.
Coverage: 10m2/ ltr (roller-brush).
For further information see the documents below
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