BIOFOS is an ecological treatment based on bacteria and enzymes. BIOFOS liquefies and degrades organic deposits and fatty substances in waste water tanks and holding tanks. BIOFOS leaves a pleasant fresh odour. BIOFOS allows the reduction of the maintenance and clearing-out of tanks. BIOFOS limits the risks of obturation and corrosion. BIOFOS penetrates, emulsifies and liquefies fatty substances. BIOFOS is dispersable in water in any proportions. BIOFOS does not contain pathogenic bacteria.
INSTRUCTIONS OF USE : BIOFOS is used pur. Pour directly the treatment into the shower’s drains, sink’ drains or toilets. The advised dose is of 100 ml per week.
Do not pour BIOFOS if a disinfectant or an alcalin cleaner has just been used.
For further information see the documents below
*To acquire the Safety Data Sheet please fill the contact form.